Need help creating a media plan, writing a press release or working on a special project like an award application or awareness day?
Or are you looking for an accredited coach to chat to as a sounding board, or to help you get 'unstuck?'
Book in for an hour-long consultancy session via Zoom – a video conference software – to chat things through.
You'll get:
• 60 minute consultancy session
• Recording of your call to keep
• Action points to keep you on track
• Additional resources if appropriate to support you
Let's get your pet business noticed!
How it works
Pay for your session via my secure payment system, all you need is a debit or credit card.
I’ll send you an e-mail with details of how to book a call at a convenient time.
Plus you’ll answer few questions to ensure I have everything I need to help you so you get the most from the call.
After the call, you’ll be sent the recording to keep so you can follow the steps you learn in the future.